
The ethical and legal framework

At WS Audiology Group, we strongly believe that acting responsibly and ethically is the right thing to do for our customers, our business partners, our colleagues and the communities where we work. We conduct our business responsibly and in compliance with the laws and regulations of all the countries where we do business. We do not tolerate illegal and unethical behaviour.  Our Code of Conduct contains the core principles to guide us in our commitment to doing business to a high standard. It presents each of us with an ethical and behavioural framework to help make the correct choices in challenging situations. 

Download Code of Conduct in English
(Please find more languages at the bottom)

Our compliance system and policies are continuously evaluated based on their practicability and adjusted or further developed if necessary. To ensure the implementation of our compliance system, we also regularly conduct training for our employees. 

We are committed to fostering an environment where our employees can ask questions and raise issues and concerns about business ethics, without fear of retaliation. If unethical behaviour or illegal conduct in the workplace is experienced or witnessed, we require our employees to report it and not hesitate to seek guidance on these matters. It is better to ask a question or raise a concern at an early stage than to ignore an ethical or legal concern or issue that could have more serious consequences in the longer term.

Tell us. We care! - Channels for reporting misconduct

We provide you with a WSA Compliance Portal (see QR Code below), a web-based incident reporting system. Hosted by an independent third-party, the WSA Compliance Portal will enable anyone – both colleagues and external stakeholders – to easily and safely report potential issues or concerns related to our business ethics or our Code of Conduct. The new incident reporting system supports our commitment to conducting our business responsibly and acting ethically towards our colleagues, customers, business partners and the communities where we operate.

The WSA Compliance Portal is available in 15 languages. Reports in the new system are done through an externally-hosted internet portal and reporters may choose to remain anonymous.


You can also  ask questions, raise issues and/or concerns about compliance issue by emailing us at tell-us@wsa.comAll emails and reporting will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by law and will only be shared on a need to know basis with the required person(s) who shall investigate and/or decide on the reported possible violation.

Some Documents that might be of help

We have a policy of “zero tolerance” for retaliation. You can report issues and concerns in good faith without fear of retaliation. We prohibit retaliation against anyone who raises or reports issues or concerns in good faith and will take disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal (in accordance with applicable labour laws), against any employee who threatens or engages in retaliation or harassment of someone who has reported, or is considering reporting, an issue or concern in good faith.

Our Code of Conduct

Our Code of conduct for suppliers

Our conditions of Purchase

Our Modern Slavery Statement

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